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Reporting a Lost Bank Card

Tim was out for lunch with a friend earlier in the day. After returning home, he realised that

his bank card was missing. He calls the bank to report the incident…

Customer Services Agent: Good afternoon. How can I help you?

Tim: I want to report a lost or stolen debit card.

Customer Services Agent: OK. Can you tell me your full name and address, please?

Tim: Tim Harrison. My address is 45 Church Street, Chichester, West Sussex.

Customer Services Agent: And do you have your telephone banking pin?

Tim: Yes, it’s 0894456.

Customer Services Agent: Perfect – thank you, Mr. Harrison. I can see you have one debit

card ending in 3031. When was the last time you used your bank card?

Tim: I went for lunch today and when I came home, I realised that it was missing. The last

place I remember using it was at the cashpoint – I needed to withdraw cash. So, I don’t have

a clue whether it was lost or stolen…

Customer Services Agent: OK. Can you confirm that this your last transaction, sir?

Tim: Yes. Then, I went to Camden Café on Henry Street and my friend paid for lunch. Then,

I came home straight after. I called there to check if it was handed in, but it wasn’t…

Customer Services Agent: OK. I can see that the last transaction was made online for

£40.80. We’ll have to cancel your card straight away and you will not be liable for any

fraudulent use. I will order a new card straight away and this will arrive by post within 5

working days.

Tim: OK, thank you for your help…

Cups of Coffee
Reporting a Lost Bank Card


Phrasal verb
Example sentence
To run up against

To experience something difficult and unexpected.

The politicians ran up against strong opposition from the people.

To wrestle with

To try very hard to deal with a problem or a difficult situation.

I wrestled with the decision for a few months before deciding to quit.

To think through

To carefully consider the possible results of doing something.

I need some time think this through before making a decision.

To knuckle down

To start working or studying harder.

He’s going to have to knuckle down if he wants to pass the course.

To talk over

To discuss a

problem or situation

with someone.

We talked over the

issues in the

meeting before

making a decision.

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