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Describing a disastrous Holiday

Laura has just returned from a disastrous holiday in France with her family. She phones her friend, Mark, to tell him all about it…

Mark: Hi Laura! Well, did you have a nice holiday?

Laura: No! It was a disaster from start to finish…

Mark: Why was it so bad? What happened?

Laura: Well, first of all, when we arrived at Nice Airport, we found out that the airline had lost our luggage! So, we had to find a shop where we could buy essential items and some clothes. Then, on the way to the hotel, the bus broke down! And that was just the first day…

Mark: That sounds awful! Was the rest of the holiday better?

Laura: No! The next day, I slipped on a wet floor at the hotel, and I thought that I had broken my ankle…

Mark: What a disaster! Did you have to go to hospital?

Laura: Yes... My dad had to take me to the nearest hospital. Thankfully, I had just sprained my ankle, but I wasn’t able to walk on it for three days! We missed out on all the trips we had planned too.

Mark: Oh no… Well, at least you had some time to relax and spend time with your family.

Laura: Yes, I suppose that’s true… but I’m so glad to be home again!

images related to the title of the conversations
Describing a disastrous Holiday


Phrasal verb
Example sentence
To run up against

To experience something difficult and unexpected.

The politicians ran up against strong opposition from the people.

To wrestle with

To try very hard to deal with a problem or a difficult situation.

I wrestled with the decision for a few months before deciding to quit.

To think through

To carefully consider the possible results of doing something.

I need some time think this through before making a decision.

To knuckle down

To start working or studying harder.

He’s going to have to knuckle down if he wants to pass the course.

To talk over

To discuss a

problem or situation

with someone.

We talked over the

issues in the

meeting before

making a decision.

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