Idiom | Meaning | Example Sentence |
To be a dime a dozen | To be very common or have little value. | Books like this are a dime a dozen. |
Better late than never! | It’s better to happen late than not to happen at all. | He finally gave me the money he owed me. It’s better late than never! |
Break a leg! | Good luck! | I hope the exam goes well tomorrow. Break a leg! |
To cut somebody some slack | Not being overcritical. | “He’s late again”…“Cut him some slack – his dad is in hospital at the minute”. |
To cut corners | To do something with less effort to save time or money. | I don’t like cutting corners when I’m preparing a dinner for guests. |
Easy does it! | A way of telling someone to do something slowly or carefully. | “Can I throw it up there?”…”Yes, but it’s breakable so easy does it!”. |
To get something out of your system | To do something you’ve been wanting to do so you can move on. | Let the children play for another hour to get it out of their system. |
To get your act together | To start working harder or organising yourself in a more effective way. | He’s so disorganized and untidy! He really needs to get his act together! |
To give someone the benefit of the doubt | To start trusting what someone says. | She said she was late because her train was cancelled, so we gave her the benefit of the doubt. |
To go back to the drawing board | To start over again because it isn’t working. | If our predictions are wrong, then we’ll have to go back the drawing board! |
To hang in there | Not giving up. | Just hang in there! You only have three more days to revise before the exam. |
It’s not rocket science | A way of saying that you think something is not complicated or difficult to understand. | I just need to put the washing in the washing machine – it’s not rocket science! |
To let someone off the hook | Not holding someone responsible for something. | At first, he was suspected of stealing the money, but he was left off the hook when they saw the real thief on the camera. |
To make a long story short | To tell something briefly without giving all the details. | To make a long story short, she ended up going to Rome on holiday. |
No pain, no gain! | You have to work hard for something. | You have to go to the gym every day to see results – No pain, no gain! |
To be on the ball. | To be doing a good job and reacting quickly to changes or developments. | You’ve thought of some great ideas – You’re really on the ball today! |
To pull someone’s leg | To joke with someone. | Stop pulling my leg – you didn’t win the lottery! |
So far, so good! | Things are going well so far. | Everything is working well in the new programme – So far, so good! |
The last straw | The latest problem in a series of problems, that makes it hard to continue or accept the situation. | He’s arrived late again morning – that’s the last straw! I’m going to have to give him a warning. |
Speak of the devil | The person we were talking about has just showed up. | “Did you hear what happened at John’s house yesterday? Oh, here he is… speak of the devil”. |
The best of both worlds | To enjoy the benefits of two very different things at the same time. | He lives in the country and works in the city so he has the best of both worlds. |
Time flies when you’re having fun! | You don’t realise how long something lasts because you’re having fun. | I can’t believe it’s time to go home already! Time flies when you’re having fun! |
To make matters worse | To make things worse. | Don’t say anything to him - you’ll make matters worse. |
To be under the weather | To be sick. | He’s feeling under the weather today. |
To wrap/get your head around something | To begin to understand something complicated. | I’m finding it hard to get my head around these complex issues. |
You can say that again! | To completely agree with what someone has said. | “It so warm in here!”… “You can say that again!” |
Your guess is as good as mine | I have no idea. | “What is she doing down there?”… “Your guess is as good as mine!” |
A blessing in disguise | A good thing that seemed bad at first. | Losing my job was a blessing in disguise because I found a better job within a month. |
To kill two birds with one stone | To get two things done at the same time. | I killed two birds with one stone and picked up the groceries on the way to collect the children. |
To spill the beans | To let secret information become known. | We’ll all be there at 6 for the surprise party – don’t spill the beans! |
To catch somebody red-handed | To discover someone while they’re doing something bad or illegal. | He was caught red-handed taking money from the till. |
To bring something to light | To discover something or make it known publicly. | These problems should have been brought to light much earlier. |
To get wind of something | To hear a piece of information that someone else was trying to keep secret. | I don’t want my colleagues to get wind of the fact that I’m leaving. |
To keep your head above water | To be able to manage, especially when you have financial difficulties. | The business has lost a lot of money this year, but we are trying to keep our heads above water. |
To take something in your stride | To deal with a problem calmly and not let it affect other things you are doing. | When he became famous, he learned to take criticism in his stride. |
To sink or swim | To be given no help and left to succeed or fail on your own. | My manager gave me no help when I started – I was left to sink or swim! |
To hold your own | To be equally successful in a situation. | Jack held his own in the argument. |
To live to tell the tale | To deal with or continue to live after a difficult or unpleasant situation. | We had a horrendous journey to get there, but we lived to tell the tale! |
To make ends meet | To have just enough money to get what you need. | Every month, we have just enough money to make ends meet. |
One thing leads to another | A series of events where each event is the result of a previous one. | At first, we were just talking to each other now and again, but one thing led to another, and he asked me to go on a date. |
To open the door to something | To allow something new to begin. | Doing the course opened the door to new possibilities for employment. |
To get someone’s wires crossed | To have a different understanding of the same situation | We must have got our wires crossed – I thought you were coming today instead of tomorrow. |
To get something off your chest | To express something that you have thinking about and want to say. | He went to meet the councillor to get some things off his chest. |
To be in the right place at the right time | To be in the best position to make the best of an opportunity. | He met his favourite actor because he was in the right place at the right time. |
To have something going for you | To have things going well towards a successful end result. | He’s got a great career, a nice house and a lovely family. He’s got everything going for him! |
All good things must come to an end | When enjoyable experiences can’t last forever. | I’ve enjoyed every minute of the holiday, but all good things must come to an end. |
To be on your guard | To be careful to avoid getting into a dangerous situation or being tricked. | If you’re walking home late at night, you always have to be on your guard. |
To keep your eye on the ball | To keep your attention on what you are doing. | To succeed in business, you have to keep your eye on the ball. |
To keep your eyes peeled | To watch very carefully for someone or something | Keep your eyes peeled for the delivery man arriving. |
Out of/from the corner of your eye | Seeing something happening to the side of you. | I saw something moving out of the the corner of my eye. |
To get out of hand | To get out of control. | More and more people arrived at the part and it got out of hand. |
To bite the bullet | To get something over with because it is inevitable. | I hate going to the doctors, but I’m just going to have to bite the bullet. |
To call it a day | To stop working on something. | I’m so exhausted – Let’s call it a day! |
To bite off more than
you can chew.
| To take on something that you are not able to finish. | We bit off more than we could chew in the original proposal. |
Curiosity killed the cat | A way of warning someone not to ask too many questions because it can lead to harm. | You need to be careful what you say at the meeting today. Remember, curiosity killed the cat! |
To be the best thing since
sliced bread
| An excellent person, thing or idea. | She thinks the new touchscreen computer is the best thing since sliced bread! |
To beat around the bush | To avoid speaking about something directly. | Stop beating around the bush and get to the point! |
The ball is in
somebody’s court
| They have all the power and can make the next move. | It’s up to you what you want to do – the ball is in your court. |
To cost an arm and a leg | Something is very expensive or valuable | The repair work cost an arm and leg. |
A penny for your
| A way of asking someone what they are thinking. | You haven’t said very much today – a penny for your thoughts? |