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Talking about a Bad Experience

Matt and Owen are work colleagues. It's Monday morning and they are drinking coffee and

talking about Owen’s camping trip…

Matt: Well, Owen, how was your camping trip to the Lake District at the weekend?

Owen: A disaster! It didn’t go well at all!

Matt: Why? What happened?

Owen: Well, we arrived at the campsite at midnight, and it all went downhill from there. To

start with, the ground was really wet, so it took ages to set the tent up. In the morning, it was

still raining heavily too! Anyway, we had planned to hike the mountain, Scafell Pike, so we

carried on with that anyway. But then, we got lost on our way because we had forgot to bring

the map and compass…

Matt: Oh dear! That sounds like a total nightmare!

Owen: Well, finally, we met another hiker who gave us the right directions. To make matters

worse though, on our way back, I accidentally stepped on a hidden wasp nest! We were

chased by an angry swarm of wasps and had to run for our lives! We both got stung quite a

few times.

Matt: Oh, come on! You’re not being serious?

Owen: Unfortunately, I am! Rachel had a first aid kit with her though, so we covered the

stings with some cream to relieve the pain, but they were still so painful and swollen…

Matt: Unbelievable!

Owen: I know... We didn’t sleep much that night either. To make matters worse, by the

morning, it was pouring with rain again, so we had to come home early.

Matt: Oh dear! Well, you’re bound to have better luck on your next camping trip!

Cups of Coffee
Talking about a Bad Experience


Phrasal verb
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