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Exam Stress

Clara and Liam are in the school garden. They are talking about exams they both did in school and exam stress...

Liam: Hey Clara! How was your exam today?

Clara: Pretty good. How about yours?

Liam: Well, I couldn’t sleep last night because I was so nervous about it…

Clara: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that…Did you have time to answer all of the questions?

Liam: Well, for the first five minutes, I couldn’t concentrate at all because I was so nervous! Although, I managed to answer all of the questions in the end.

Clara: Great! I always go for a long walk before exams - it helps me to relax. You should try it.

Liam: Thank you Clara! I’ll try that. Exam stress is a big problem for me...

Clara: You should talk to your teacher, Mr. Jones, about it too. He should be able to give you some advice.

Liam: Do you really think he could help me?

Clara: Why not? That’s his job!

images related to the title of the conversations
Exam Stress


Phrasal verb
Example sentence
To let down someone

To make someone disappointed when you have not fulfilled a promise.

She promised that she would be there but she let me down.

To break down

1.  To become very upset.

2.  When something stops working

1.  She broke down when she opened her results.

2.  The lift broke down.

To bring somebody/something down

1.  To make someone lose their powerful position.

2. To make something end.

1.  He brought his boss down by exposing personal emails.

2.  The rise in export prices could bring the hospitality industry down.

To bottle something up

To refuse to talk about things when someone is worried or upset.

After his father passed away, he bottled his emotions up and wouldn’t talk to anyone.

To get something across

To make someone believe or understand something

He tried to get his point across but his manager wouldn’t listen.

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